Development of Urinary System

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Urinary Tract Development

11.1.1 Urinary tract development

Intermediate mesoderm. Endodermal cloaca, urogenital sinus, allantois.
Urogenital ridges, formation of nephridia; mesonephros and its duct. Pronephros.
Metanephric duct formation from distal end of mesonephric duct. Double ureter; double kidney
Induction of metanephric tubules which form nephron from glomerulus to connecting tubules. Development of collecting tubules, calyces, ureter from metanephric duct. Upward ‘migration’ of kidneys. Isolated renal cysts; polycystic kidneys; horseshoe kidneys.
Formation of bladder Urachal (allantoic) cyst, fistula
Formation of urethra in female and in male Hypospadias in male; bladder extrophy
Pelvic kidney Supernumerary renal arteries


  • devloped from intermediate mesoderm
  • nephrotomes develop and regress
  • mesonephroi appear in thoracolumber region - functional if primitive
  • drained by mesonephric (Wolffian ducts)
  • uereteric buds appear and induce differentiation of overlying mesonephros to definitive kidney
  • cloaca partitioned into rectum and urogentital sinus
    • urogenital sinus forms bladder, pelvic and penile urethra, vestibule of vagina
  • kidneys ascend up abominal wall
  • abnormalities occur when kidney's do not ascend properly, can lead to joining of kidney bases (horseshoe kidney)

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