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·         600mg iv up to maximum dose of 3mg

·         Selective antagonist of ACh at muscarinic receptors \ blocks vagal inhibition

·         600mg Þ 40-60% vagal block. 3mg Þ complete vagal block.

·         Predominantly acts on SA node (some action on AV node).

·         Administered iv to get rapid effect

·         Not cardio-selective \ widespread side effects

·         Urinary retention in X, constipation, pupillary dilatation & ciliary paralysis.

¯        salivation, lachrymation, sweating, gut & respiratory tract secretions.

·         Can cause CNS effects e.g. hallucinations

·         Contraindicated in glaucoma

h   Discontinue digoxin, b-blockers, verapamil or other drugs that exacerbate bradycardia.

h   Pacemaker insertion is indicated if permanent bradycardia, unresponsive to atropine.



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