- 1 in 70-80 pregnancies
- increases complication rates
- pregnancy-induced hypertension from 5% → 15%
- anaemia 3-5% → 15%
- polyhydramnios <2% → >5%
- pre-term labour <5% → >25%
- perinatal mortality 0.9% → 5.6%
- various presentations
morbidity and mortality higher for second twin
often small / premature
risk maternal
may be delivered vaginally or by Caesarean depending on
if no complication can be delivered vaginally
cephalic : cephalic 45%
cephalic : breech 37%
First twin delivered normally
2nd twin converted to longitudinal lie if possible
may need syntocinon drip if contractions fade
if compound presentation, cord prolapse then may need
emergency Caesarean section
Delivery 2nd twin within 15-20 mins of first