Development of reproductive system

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  • Intermediate mesoderm forms duct along length of embryo and tubule that becomes kidney
  • 2 duct systems present:
  • Gonads start as indifferent tissue.
  • germ cells formed in midgut (yolk sac) and migrate to gonadal region
  • germ cell invasion causes gonads to develop into genital ridges
  • mseonephric cells and coelomic epithelium form primitive sex cords. Interaction with germ cells causes gonad development
  • Primarily a sex cord structure is developed
    • in the male goes on to form seminiferous tubules
    • in the female goes on to form cortical structure of ovary
Male Female
  • Sex determining region of Y chromosome causes production ofof testis determining factor
  • SRY causes medullary sex cords to differentiate into Sertoli cells, cortical sex cords degernerate
  • Sertoli cells becomes testis cords
  • testis cords fifferentiate into seminiferous tubules and rete testis
  • mesonephric ducts become vasa deferentia
  • MIH causes regression of paramesonephric ducts
  • MIH causes differentiation of Leydig cells in testis
  • cortical sex cords remain, medullary sex cords degenerate
  • germ cells become oogonia and undergo first meiotic division
    • folicle cell responsible for arrested development of oocytes
  • mesonephric ducts degenerate
  • paramesonephric ducts ive rise to fallopian tubes, uterus and superior vagina
  • vagina opens by membrane breakdown
  • External genitalia develop from indifferent material: genital tubercle, cloacal fold and cloacal membrane
  • Grow to urogenital membrane, urogenital fold, perineum, anal membrane and fold, labioscrotal swelling
  • urogenital membrane breaks down
  • labioscrotal and urethral folds fuse in midline surrounding penile urethra.
  • genital tubercle elongates
  • urethra in glans formed by invagination of epithelium
  • gubernaculum pulls testes behind processus vaginalis, through inguinal canal to scrotum Undescended testicles are infertile and can become malignant
  • gubernaculum causes descent of ovaries


13.1.3 Reproductive tract differentiation and development

Source and migration of germ cells
Sex chromosomes, SRY gene, sexual differentiation
Formation of female and male gonads; their migration
Formation of female and male internal reproductive tracts from mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts Bicornuate uterus, imperforate hymen, recto-vaginal fistula.
Indifferent stages of external genitalia; formation of female and male external genitalia
Effects of androgens, Mullerian inhibiting factor on differentiation of internal and external genitalia.
Maldescent of testis.

Torsion of testis.

Appendices of testis and epididymis; torsion.

Cysts derived from mesonephric duct in female; torsion of ovary; ovarian cysts.

Effects on differentiation of androgen insensitivity, androgen excess.



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