Or cystic hyperplasia, cyclical mastitis, cyclical mastalgia
- Settles after menopause
- Probably abnormal response of breast to hormonal changes
- exageration of fibrotic element
- hyperplasia of epithelial element
- tendency to cyst formation
- may be extremely painful
- patient 35-45
- Cyclical breast pain worse before period
- intermittent breast masses
- areas of thickening with no discrete mass
- discrete mass. i.e. cysts
- nipple discharge
- Nodular breasts
- Multiple thickened areas,
- usually upper and outer quadrant
- tender
- Lesions change in size and number during menstrual cycle
- Mammography - exclude cancer
- Aspiration of cysts
- Firm supporting bra
- Mild diuretic premenstrually - esp. if associated with premenstrual
- Evening primrose oil - may need to be taken for several months before an
effect can be seen
- Sector mastectomy may be appropriate
- Subcutaneous mastectomy with implants in severe cases (patients have been
known to become suicidal because of symptoms)
- May respond to hypnotherapy and acupuncture
- Dominant masses, suggesting cyst should be aspirated
- ?Danazol