Normal Range <120 mmol/l
- most reliable simple test of GFR
- ideally should be fasting sample as dietary intake may increase
- concentration related to muscle mass
- lower in children, small adults
- normal value may not indicate absence of renal problems
- Transient increase after exercise
- massive increases in crush injuries, rhabdomyolysis
- falls in pregnancy due to increased GFR
Increased Creatinine
- impaired GFR
- High muscle mass
- Acute muscle damage
- minimal increase from high meat meal
- Transient increase after excercise
Reduced creatinine
- small muscle mass
- pregnancy
Creatinine clearance
= ([creatinine] urine x volumeurine ) / ([creatinine]plasma
x timecollection)
- volume of plasma which is theoretically cleared of substance per minute
- plasma and urine creatinine need to be in same units
- Inulin (NOT inSulin) is more accurate as a small quantity of creatinine
secreted into tubule (similarly a small quantity of urea diffuses in) but
requires exogenous source of inulin so not used in practice