Essential Thombocythaemia
persistent elevation of blood platelet count as a result of
increased marrow production in absence of systemic cause of thrombocytosis
Clinical features
- asymptomatic (20%)
- thrombosis
- excessive haemorrhage
- spontaneously
- after trauma / surgery
- Splenomegaly - 30%, may also be infarcted
- pruritus, sweating (uncommon)
Laboratory findings
- Platelets >1000 x 109/L persistently
- Raised RBC or WCC (30%)
- Film
- anisocytosis
- circulating megakaryocyte fragments
- target cell
- Howell-Jolly bodies
- NAP score raised or normal
- Serum uric acid (often) / LDH (sometimes) raised
- Bone Marrow hypercellular
- Defective platelet function esp. in response to ADP and adrenaline
- Hydroxyurea (or other chemotherapy)
- aim for platelet count <600 x 109/L
- alpha-interferon, anagrelide
- Aspirin 75mg OD, unless haemorrhage
- median survival 20 years
- transformation to AML may occur