NOTE OVERLAP with section
OTFA 22–23 |
Enough to understand formation of general layout and
innervation of head, including skull, eye and face development [OTFA
22–23] |
Formation of the head fold, foregut. |
Branchial arches, branchial pouches, ectodermal clefts
and their main derivatives. |
Contribution of neural crest to cranial ectoderm. |
Face formation: contributions of frontonasal, maxillary,
mandibular processes. |
Formation of nasal cavity; primary and secondary palate. |
Formation of mouth, tongue, pharynx. |
Formation of thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, thymus,
tonsil, pharyngo-tympanic tube |
Postnatal development of paranasal sinuses. |
[OTFA 25–26] |
Clefts of lip, palate, face [OTFA
25–26] |
[OTFA 45–46] |
Ectopic thyroid and parathyroid tissue [OTFA
45–46] |
Branchial cysts. Thyroid cysts. |