Histology of Liver
- Hepatocytes
- Connective Tissue
- Blood vessels, nerve, lymphatic vessels, bile ducts
- Sinusoidal capillaries
Classic lobule
- Central vein surrounded by hexagonal block of tissue
- hexagon defined by layer of connective tissue joining six portal triads
Portal lobule
- Triangle drawn between three central veins
- portal triad in centre as bile drains to bile duct
Liver acinus
- diamond shaped with two central veins at limits of long diagonal; portal
triads at limits of short diagonal
- defines three zones
- zone 1 - recieves blood first:
- exposed to more oxygen and more toxins
- zone 2 - intermediate zone
- zone 3 - recives oxygen and toxins last
- principal functional unit of liver
- lined with thin, discontinuous endothelium
- large fenestrae, without diaphragms present in endothelial cells
- large gaps present between neighbouring endothelial cells
- basement lamina discontinuous
- lined by Kuppfer cells - part of mononuclear
phagocyte system
- may be involved in final breakdown of old red blood cells
Perisinusoidal space (Space of Disse)
- lies between hepatocytes and sinusoids
- microvilli extend into it from hepatocytes
- contents are not dissimilar to blood plasma
- hepatocytes secret protein and lipoprotein into space of Disse
- lipocytes (Ito Cells) often found in space of Disse
Bile canaliculi
- formed between adjacent hepatocytes.
- sealed from rest of intercellular space by zonula occuldens
- drain into small bile canals (canals of Herring) and thence into bile duct
of portal triad