- Termination of nerve axons
- Best understood is neuromuscular junction (nicotinic
- Action potential arrives at junction
- Voltage gated calcium channels open
- Flood of calcium causes docking of synaptic vesicles to plasma
- vesicles membrane and plasma membranes fuse
- contents released (ACh) across synaptic cleft
- encounter nicotinic receptor on post-synaptic membrane
- binding of 2 acetycholine molecules causes opening of Na+
channel and discharge of action potential in muscle fibre
- 500+ vesicles released at any one AP
- Adrenergic synapes are less well defines
- synaptic boutons found along axon rather than at termination, spread
over wide area of target tissue
- at AP 0,1 or maybe 2 synaptic vesicles may be release at each bouton
- hence less precise effect, more cumulative