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Clinical Features
- insidious onset
- tachycardia
- low-grade fever
- Nasal diphtheria
- unilateral serosanguinous nasal discharge
- crusting around external nares
- Pharyngeal diphtheria
- marked tonsillar and pharyngeal inflammation
- tough greyish-yellow membrane
- firmly attached to underlying tissues
- composition
- fibrin
- bacteria
- epithelial cells
- mononuclear cell
- PMNs
- regional lymphadenopathy ("bull neck")
- Laryngeal diphtheria
- extension of membrane from pharynx
- husky voice
- brassy cough
- dyspnoea
- cyanosis
- Myocarditis
- often weeks later (after pharyngeal / laryngeal diphtheria)
- acute circulatory failure
- 10th of illness
- usually fatal
- Neurological
- early
- palatal / pharyngeal wall palsy
- severeal weeks later
- cranial nerve palsy
- paraesthesiae
- polyneuropathy
- encephalitis
- Cutaneous diphtheria
- with burns or poor hygeine
- punched out ulcer
- undermined edges
- greyish-white to brownish adherent membrane
- constitutional symptoms uncommon
- isolation
- bed rest
- 20,000 to 100,000 U of antitoxin IM (after test dose)
- Benzylpenicillin 2-4g /
day for 7 days
- throat swabs for culture
- positive cultures