Median Nerve

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Motor Supply

  • flexors
  • pronators
  • thenar muscles
  • lateral 2 lumbricals


  • palmar side of lateral 3 1/2 digits
  • nail beds of lateral 3 1/2 digits


  1. in front of axillary artery
  2. under biceps
  3. medial to brachial artery and tendon of biceps
  4. crosses anterior aspect of elbow joint
  5. passes between two heads of pronator teres
    1. gives off anterior interosseous branch
  6. lies between superficial and deep flexors of forearm
  7. deep aspect of flexor digitorum superficialis to wrist
    1. gives off palmar cutaneous branch
  8. crosses wrist between flexor carpi radialis and long tendons of superificial flexors
  9. enters carpal tunnel

Common pathology


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