Cyclophosphamide |
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Adverse effects
USES: *Health Canada approved indication SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Contraindicated in patients who have a history of hypersensitivity reaction to cyclophosphamide.3 There is possible cross-sensitivity with other alkylating agents.1 Carcinogenicity: Secondary malignancies have developed in patients treated with cyclophosphamide alone or in combination with other antineoplastics. Occurring most frequently are bladder, myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative malignancies. Secondary malignancies are most common in patients treated initially for myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferative diseases or for non-malignant conditions with immune pathology. Urinary bladder malignancies are most common in patients who experienced hemorrhagic cystitis. Mutagenicity: Because of the mutagenic potential of cyclophosphamide, adequate methods of contraception should be used by patients (both male and female) during and at least four months after treatment.1 Fertility: Gonadal suppression may occur and sterility can be irreversible in some patients.3 Age and duration of chemotherapy are the main factors contributing to ovarian failure.14 For example, treatment with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil for six months results in permanent ovarian failure in 70 percent of women over 40 years of age and in 40 percent of younger women. The median time to onset of ovarian failure is shorter in older women than in younger women (2-4 months vs. 6-16 months), and ovarian failure is less likely to be reversible in older women (in about 10 percent vs. up to 50 percent). The rate of permanent ovarian failure is lower with regimens of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide than with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil. Heart disease: Caution should be used when treating patients with cyclophosphamide who have pre-existing heart disease.7 Pregnancy: FDA Pregnancy Category D.3 There is positive evidence of human fetal risk, but the benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk (e.g., if the drug is needed in a life-threatening situation or for a serious disease for which safer drugs cannot be used or are ineffective). Breastfeeding should be terminated prior to initiating cyclophosphamide therapy as this drug is excreted in breast milk.1 Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 3 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 SIDE EFFECTS: The table includes adverse events that presented during drug treatment but may not necessarily have a causal relationship with the drug. Because clinical trials are conducted under very specific conditions, the adverse event rates observed may not reflect the rates observed in clinical practice. Adverse events are generally included if they were reported in more than 1% of patients in the product monograph or pivotal trials, and/or determined to be clinically important.15 ORGAN SITE SIDE EFFECT ONSET Clinically important side effects are in bold, italics I = immediate (onset in hours to days); E = early (days to weeks); D = delayed (weeks to months); L = late (months to years) allergy/immunology anaphylactic reaction16 (<1%) I nasal congestion when IV doses are administered too rapidly (large doses via 30-60 minute infusion);16 patients experience runny eyes, rhinorrhea, sinus congestion, and sneezing immediately after infusion.16 (1-10%) I anemia E methemoglobinemia with bone marrow transplant (BMT) doses16 E myelosuppression; WBC nadir 8-15 days, platelet nadir 10-15 days, recovery 17-28 days E blood/bone marrow/ febrile neutropenia thrombocytopenia E cardiovascular cardiac dysfunction in high-dose (<1%);16 high-dose can be defined as 60 mg/kg daily or 120-270 mg/kg over a few days;12 manifests as CHF; cardiac necrosis or hemorrhagic myocarditis; pericardial tamponade (BMT doses)16 E coagulation hypoprothrombinemia, risk of bleeding (very rare) E constitutional symptoms asthenia or sweating (0.1-1%) E dizziness16 (<1%) E extravasation hazard: none17 alopecia8,16 (40-60%); begins 3-6 weeks after start of therapy E facial flushing following IV administration3,16 (1-10%) I hyperpigmentation (skin and nails)3,16 (<1%) E rash, hives or itching3,16 (1-5%) I redness, swelling, or pain at injection site3,16 I dermatology/skin toxic epidermal necrolysis16 (<1%) E endocrine hyperglycemia3 E emetogenic potential18: >1g high moderate; <1g low moderate anorexia (33%) E diarrhea16 (>10%) E hemorrhagic colitis16 (<1%) E mucositis16 (>10%) E gastrointestinal myxedema or sore lips3 (0.1-11%) E Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 4 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 ORGAN SITE SIDE EFFECT ONSET Clinically important side effects are in bold, italics I = immediate (onset in hours to days); E = early (days to weeks); D = delayed (weeks to months); L = late (months to years) nausea and vomiting is dose-related16: > 90% for >1500 mg/m2, 60-90% for 750-1500 mg/m2, 30-60% for < 750 mg/m2 or oral; usually beginning 6-10 hours after administration I stomatitis3,16 (>10%) E hepatic hepatotoxicity16 (<1%) E jaundice16 (<1%) E hyperkalemia, usually in context of tumour lysis16 (<1%) E hyperuricemia with high-dose and/or long-term therapy16 (<1%) E metabolic/laboratory syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) causing hyponatremia E pain headache3,16 (1-10%) I interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, with high-dose and/or long-term therapy16 (<1%) pulmonary D pneumonitis, with high-dose and/or long-term therapy16 (<1%) E non-hemorrhagic cystitis7 E hemorrhagic cystitis (up to 40%);16 with high-dose and/or long term therapy3; severe, potentially fatal E renal tubular necrosis16 (1-5%) E renal/genitourinary hemorrhagic ureteritis (<1%) E secondary malignancy urinary bladder, myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferative malignancies16 (<1%) L sexual/reproductive function interferes with oogenesis and spermatogenesis16 (>10%); may be irreversible in some patients; gonadal suppression (amenorrhea)3 E syndromes syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion with high-dose and/or long-term therapy3,16 (1-5%) E Adapted from standard reference1,12 unless specified otherwise. Cardiac toxicity may occur in patients receiving high-dose cyclophosphamide. High-dose can be defined as 60 mg/kg daily or 120-270 mg/kg over a few days.12 Other risk factors for developing cardiac toxicity include previous chest or mediastinal radiotherapy, anthracycline administration, concomitant administration of chemotherapy drugs which are not normally considered cardiotoxic, especially carmustine, cytarabine and 6-thioguanine,5 and by the presence of left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction less than 50%).19 The mechanism may involve direct injury to the endothelium by phosphoramide mustard, an active metabolite of cyclophosphamide.19,20Unlike anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity does not appear to be cumulative.5,19,21 In contrast to anthracyclineinduced cardiomyopathy which occurs months to years after cumulative doses of anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity occurs much earlier.20 Toxicity has ranged from minor, transient ECG changes and asymptomatic elevation of cardiac enzymes at a total dose of 100 mg/kg to fatal myocarditis and myocardial necrosis at total doses ranging upwards from 144 mg/kg delivered over 4 days.5 Clinical signs include dyspnea, tachypnea, fluid retention, increased systemic venous pressure and shock.22 Patients may experience heart failure, arrhythmias, irreversible cardiomyopathy, pericarditis or death as a result of cardiotoxicity.22 Treatment is supportive.5 Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 5 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 Hemorrhagic cystitis may occur in up to 40% of patients (especially children) on long term or high dose cyclophosphamide therapy.7,12 Other risk factors for developing hemorrhagic cystitis include rate of infusion, and rate of metabolism of cyclophosphamide, as well as the hydration status, urine output, frequency of urination, and concurrent exposure to other urotoxic drugs or genitourinary radiotherapy.23 The mechanism may involve direct injury to the urothelium by acrolein, an active metabolite of cyclophosphamide.11 Hemorrhagic cystitis can develop within a few hours or be delayed several weeks.3 Clinical diagnosis includes non-specific symptoms such as hematuria, dysuria, urgency and increased frequency of urination and can be confirmed using cystoscopy.23 Severe hemorrhagic cystitis can lead to constriction of the bladder, anemia, recurrent urinary tract infection, bladder perforation, renal failure and death.23 Long term complications include bladder fibrosis and contraction, urinary reflux and transitional cell bladder tumours. Non-hemorrhagic cystitis, edema of the bladder and suburethral bleeding can also occur.7 Prophylactic measures include encouraging patients to drink plenty of fluids during therapy (most adults will require at least 2 L/day), to void frequently, and to avoid taking the drug at night.16 Patients should be well hydrated before and for 24-72 hours following treatment.23 As well, cyclophosphamide should be administered as early in the day as possible to decrease the amount of drug remaining in the bladder overnight.3 With large IV doses, IV hydration is usually recommended.16 The use of mesna and/or continuous bladder irrigation is rarely needed for doses <2g/m2.16 However, mesna has been used in patients receiving cyclophosphamide for immunologically mediated disorders (e.g., Wegener’s granulomatosis, systemic lupus erythromatosus, dermatomyositis, polyarteritis).12 Further measures to reduce the incidence of cystitis include catheter bladder drainage, bladder irrigation, intravenous hydration with diuresis, hyperhydration, and the administration of mesna. Hyperhydration is generally not recommended as it places the patient at risk for fluid overload and electrolyte imbalance, particularly given the antidiuretic effect of cyclophosphamide.23 Diuretics may be indicated if urine production declines to <100 mL/m2/h. It appears that mesna and hyperhydration are equally effective in preventing cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis in the BMT population. Treatment of hemorrhagic cystitis12,23 begins with discontinuation of cyclophosphamide. Fluid intake should be increased and the platelet count should be maintained at >50 000/mm3 to minimize the extent of bleeding. There is several treatment options currently advocated, depending on the severity of bleeding. Treatment of early cystitis24: • The first line therapy is to administer hyperhydration. Standard hyperhydration may consist of NS or 1/2 NS at a rate of 3.0 L/m2 per 24-hour period. Depending on the patient’s electrolyte status, KCl and MgS04 are generally added to the fluid at concentrations 20-40 mEq/L and 2-4 g/L respectively. Patients who have visible clots in the urine, or have bladder spasms should receive continuous bladder irrigation. Treatment is generally continued for 48 hours after the urine returns to normal colour and the symptoms have resolved. • The second line therapy is to initiate a bladder irrigation with Alum (aluminum potassium sulphate) which is prepared by pharmacy as a 1% solution for intravesical administration. This is instilled at a rate of 300-1000 mL/hour and the rate is adjusted to maintain clear pink drainage. Responses to Alum are improved following removal of clots in the bladder using either cystoscopy or irrigation prior to therapy. As Alum contains significant amounts of aluminum, aluminum levels should be taken in patients with renal impairment, or in patients requiring prolonged therapy. • The third line therapy is with prostaglandin (carboprost) which is thought to stimulate platelet aggregation and cause local vasoconstriction. The dose is generally 0.8-1.0 mg/dL in 50 mL NS (400-500 mcg) instilled into the bladder; clamp catheter and allow solution to dwell for 60 minutes; repeat every six hours until response.24 Like Alum, this therapy works best when the bladder is evacuated of clots before starting. Patients who respond will do so by 5-7 days. Carboprost can cause intense bladder spasm and this can be a major problem. Therapy with oxybutinin, Belladonna and opium suppositories or systemic narcotic analgesics may be necessary. In rare cases hemorrhagic cystitis is resistant to the above treatments and bladder fulguration with formalin or other chemicals is needed. Treatment of late onset cystitis24: Many of these cases are due to secondary viral infection or bacterial infection of the injured mucosa. Culture for bacterial pathogens, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and adenovirus should be done before starting therapy. Primary therapy is hyperhydration possibly with bladder irrigation. Patient may be need to be treated if pathogen is found i.e. ganciclovir or foscarnet for CMV, ribaviron for adenovirus, antibiotics for bacterial infections. Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 6 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 Immunogenicity: Positive reactions to skin test antigens (e.g., tuberculin purified protein derivative, trichophyton, candida) are frequently suppressed in patients receiving cyclophosphamide.12 Hyperuricemia may result from cell lysis by cytotoxic chemotherapy and may lead to electrolyte disturbances or acute renal failure.25 It is most likely with highly proliferative tumours of massive burden, such as leukemias, highgrade lymphomas and myeloproliferative diseases. The risk may be increased in patients with preexisting renal dysfunction, especially ureteral obstruction. Suggested prophylactic treatment for high-risk patients24: • aggressive hydration: 3 L/m2/24 hr with target urine output > 100 mL/hr • if possible, discontinuation of drugs that cause hyperuricemia (e.g., thiazide diuretics) or acidic urine (e.g., salicylates) • monitoring of electrolytes, calcium, phosphate, renal function, LDH and uric acid q6h x 24-48 hours • electrolyte replacement as required • allopurinol 600 mg po initially, then 300 mg po q6h x 6 doses, then 300 mg po daily x 5-7 days Urine should be alkalinized only if the uric acid level is elevated, using sodium bicarbonate IV or PO titrated to maintain urine pH > 7. Rasburicase (Fasturtec®) is a novel uricolytic agent that catalyzes the oxidation of uric acid to a water-soluble metabolite, removing the need for alkalinization of the urine.26 It may be used for treatment or prophylaxis of hyperuricemia, 0.2 mg/kg IV daily for up to 7 days; however, its place in therapy has not yet been established. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis12,27 may occur in patients receiving high doses of cyclophosphamide over prolonged periods. Other risk factors include exposure to other drugs with pulmonary toxicities and pulmonary radiotherapy. The mechanism may involve direct injury to the pulmonary epithelium by cyclophosphamide metabolites.27 In some cases discontinuation of the drug and initiating corticosteroid therapy fails to reverse this condition, which can be fatal. Signs and symptoms typically include tachycardia, dyspnea, fever, non-productive cough, basilar crepitant rales, interstitial bilateral infiltrates on chest x-ray, hypoxemia and ventilation/perfusion dysfunction. Interstitial pneumonitis has also been reported in patients receiving cyclophosphamide. The drug should be stopped at the first sign of pulmonary toxicity; all other possible causes of pneumonitis should be ruled out. Nasal stuffiness or facial discomfort may occur. This nasopharyngeal discomfort “wasabi nose” may be associated with rapid injection of cyclophosphamide.28-30 This reaction may be caused by a mucosal inflammatory response or possibly a cholinergic mechanism.31 If troublesome for the patient, several interventions have been used31: the slowing down of the infusion rate or giving as an intermittent infusion rather than as an IV bolus, the use of analgesics, decongestants, antihistamines, intranasal beclomethasone, or intranasal ipratropium. Radiation recall reactions3: Cyclophosphamide has the potential to enhance radiation injury to tissues; this is a rare side effect. While often called radiation recall reactions, the timing of the radiation may be before, concurrent with, or even after the administration of the cyclophosphamide. Recurrent injury to a previously radiated site may occur weeks to months following the radiation. SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH)1 may occur in patients receiving cyclophosphamide, resulting in hyponatremia, dizziness, confusion or agitation, unusual tiredness or weakness. This syndrome is more common with doses >50 mg/kg and may be aggravated by administration of large volumes of fluids to prevent hemorrhagic cystitis.9 The condition is self-limiting although diuretic therapy may be helpful in the situation when the patient has stopped urinating (especially if this occurs during the first 24 hours of cyclophosphamide therapy). Susceptible patients should be monitored for cardiac decompensation. If weight gain is excessive (1.5-2 kg) during hydration, the volume of IV fluid should be reduced. Secondary malignancies1 have developed in some patients, often several years after administration. The most frequently reported neoplasms are urinary bladder cancer, non-lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Urinary bladder malignancies generally have occurred in patients who previously had hemorrhagic cystitis.7 Water retention and dilutional hyponatremia: Administration of cyclophosphamide in doses higher than 30-40 mg/kg has been associated with water retention and dilutional hyponatremia.9,12 Children may be especially susceptible. The mechanism is related to direct injury to the distal renal tubules and collecting ducts by cyclophosphamide metabolites. Symptoms include decreased urine flow, decreased serum osmolarity and sodium and increased urine osmolarity. These can occur 4 to 12 hours after cyclophosphamide and resolve within 20 to 24 hours after therapy. Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 7 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 INTERACTIONS: AGENT EFFECT MECHANISM MANAGEMENT allopurinol delayed, moderate; increased myelosuppressive effects of cyclophosphamide is possible unknown frequent monitoring with a complete blood count may be required amiodarone32 increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis unknown, possibly additive effect avoid combination if possible; otherwise increase monitoring chloramphenicol delayed, moderate; decrease or delay in activation of cyclophosphamide inhibition (weak) of the CYP2C8/9 and CYP3A4 enzymes by chloramphenicol16,33 standard monitoring procedures for both drugs ciprofloxacin34 delayed, moderate; decreased antimicrobial effect of quinolone antibiotics is possible decreased quinolone absorption by altering the intestinal mucosa ciprofloxacin can be used as a prophylactic antibiotic in cyclophosphamide based regimens.35 consider monitoring ciprofloxacin therapy. corticosteroids decreased or increased effect of cyclophosphamide induction (weak) of the CYP3A4 enzyme by corticosteroids16,36-38 clinical significance of this interaction is unlikely based on evidence available; observe for altered effect of cyclophosphamide. digoxin delayed, moderate; reduced serum levels of digoxin is suspected drug-induced alterations of the intestinal mucosa may be involved monitoring for reduced digoxin effect grapefruit juice39 delayed, moderate; decreased or delayed activation of cyclophosphamide inhibition (moderate) of the CYP3A4 enzyme16,40 by grapefruit juice avoid grapefruit juice for 48 hours before and on day of dose hydrochlorthiazide delayed, moderate; prolonged leucopenia is possible unknown avoid concurrent use; consider alternative antihypertensive therapy indapamide delayed, moderate; prolonged leucopenia is possible unknown avoid concurrent use; consider alternative antihypertensive therapy indomethacin7 4 cases of severe pulmonary edema and acute life-threatening water intoxication unknown avoid concurrent use phenytoin10, phenobarbital, rifampin and other drugs which induce CYP2B641 increased rate at which cyclophosphamide is converted to active and toxic metabolites and possibly to inactive metabolites induction (strong) of the CYP2B6 enyzme16,41 by phenytoin, phenobarbital and rifampin. clinical significance of this interaction is unknown; observe for altered effect of cyclophosphamide Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 8 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 AGENT EFFECT MECHANISM MANAGEMENT succinylcholine rapid, moderate; prolonged neuromuscular blockade produced by succinylcholine is probable cyclophosphamide inhibits plasma cholinesterase resulting in decreased metabolism of succinylcholine consider reducing succinylcholine based on measured plasma cholinesterase levels warfarin delayed, moderate; increased anticoagulant effect of warfarin suspected inhibition of warfarin metabolism, or clotting factor synthesis monitoring coagulation parameters during and after chemotherapy; adjust warfarin dose as needed Adapted from standard reference34 unless specified otherwise. SUPPLY AND STORAGE: Tablets7: Store at room temperature. Cytoxan® available as 25 mg and 50 mg white tablets with blue flecks. Procytox® available as 25 mg and 50 mg white to off-white, sugar-coated tablet. Injection7: Store at room temperature. Cytoxan® available as a non-lyophilized formulation manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb;1 available in single-use vials of 1000 mg and 2000 mg. Contains no preservative. Protect from light. Procytox® available as a non-lyophilized formulation42 manufactured by Baxter; available in 200 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg and 2000 mg vials. Contains no preservative. Protect from light. SOLUTION PREPARATION AND COMPATIBILITY: Reconstitute powder7: to give a final concentration of 20 mg/mL. Cytoxan® is reconstituted with sterile NS for direct IV, and with SWI for parenteral injection.1 For 1 g vial add 50 mL diluent and for 2 g vial add 100 mL diluent. Add the diluent to the vial and shake it vigorously to dissolve. If the powder fails to dissolve immediately and completely, let the vial stand for a few minutes. Heat should not be used. Procytox® is reconstituted with sterile NS. Shake the vial until dissolution and a clear solution is obtained. It may take several hours for complete dissolution.42 For 200 mg vial add 10 mL NS, for 500 mg vial add 25 mL, for 1000 mg add 50 mL and for 2000 mg add 100 mL. Reconstituted solution for injection7: Cytoxan® once reconstituted, is chemically and physically stable for 24 hours at room temperature or for 6 days in the refrigerator1 Procytox® once reconstituted, is chemically stable for 24 hours at room temperature or 72 hours refrigerated. Diluted solution for infusion7: Cytoxan®1 can be further diluted in D5W, D5NS, D5 with Ringer’s injection, Lactated Ringer’s Injection, 0.45% NS, Sodium Lactate Injection and NS.43 Diluted solutions are chemically and physically stable for 24 hours at room temperature or for 6 days in the refrigerator.44,45 Procytox® can be further diluted in D5NS, D5W and NS. Diluted solutions are chemically stable for 24 hours at room temperature, or 72 hours refrigerated. Bacterial challenge: Diluted solutions should be stored under refrigeration whenever possible, and the potential for microbiological growth should be considered when assigning expiration periods. Compatibility46: The following are compatible via Y-site injection: amifostine, bleomycin, chlorpromazine, cimetidine, cisplatin, cladribine, dexamethasone, diphenhydramine, doxorubicin, liposomal doxorubicin, droperidol, etoposide, fludarabine, fluorouracil, furosemide, gemcitabine, granisetron, heparin, hydromorphone, idarubicin, leucovorin, lorazepam, melphalan, methotrexate, methylprednisolone, metoclopramide, mitomycin, ondansetron, Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 9 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 paclitaxel, prochlorperazine, promethazine, propofol, ranitidine, sodium bicarbonate, thiotepa, vinblastine, vincristine, vinorelbine. The following are compatible in the same infusion solution: cisplatin with etoposide, fluorouracil, mesna, methotrexate, mitoxantrone and ondansetron. The following are compatible in the same syringe: furosemide, heparin, leucovorin, metoclopramide. Incompatibility46: Amphotericin is incompatible via Y-site injection. PARENTERAL ADMINISTRATION: BCCA administration guideline noted in bold, italics Subcutaneous no information found Intramuscular has been used Direct intravenous each 100 mg or fraction thereof over at least 1 minute Intermittent infusion in 50-100 mL of compatible IV solution over 20-60 minutes Continuous infusion the dose can be administered in a convenient volume Intraperitoneal has been used but not recommended due to need for metabolic activation12 Intrapleural has been used but not recommended due to need for metabolic activation12 Intrathecal no information found; metabolic activation required12 Intra-arterial no information found Intravesical no information found DOSAGE GUIDELINES: Refer to protocol by which patient is being treated. Numerous dosing schedules exist and depend on disease, response and concomitant therapy. Guidelines for dosing also include consideration of absolute neutrophil count. Dosage may be reduced, delayed or discontinued in patients with bone marrow depression due to cytotoxic/radiation therapy or with other toxicities. Adults: BCCA usual dose noted in bold, italics Cycle Length: Oral: 4 weeks35,47: 100 mg/m2 (range 75-100 mg/m2) once daily for 14 consecutive days (total dose per cycle 1400 mg/m2) 3-4 weeks47: 300 mg/m2 (range 200-450 mg/m2) once daily for 5 consecutive days. (total dose per cycle 1500 mg/m2 [range 1000-2250 mg/m]) Round dose to the nearest 25 mg. The manufacturer recommends that the drug be taken on an empty stomach, but states it may be taken with food to decrease GI upset6 Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 10 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 BCCA usual dose noted in bold, italics Cycle Length: Oral liquid preparations of Cytoxan® may be prepared by dissolving the cyclophosphamide powder for injection or the lyophilized powder for injection in Aromatic Elixir, NF.1 Solution stable in amber glass containers for 14 days, refridgerated.12 Intravenous: 3 weeks48-52: 600 mg/m2 (range 500-1000 mg/m2) for one dose on day 1 4 weeks53: 1000 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1 6 weeks54: 1200 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1 4 weeks35: 525 mg/m2 for one dose on days 1 and day 15 (total dose per cycle 1050 mg/m2) 4 weeks55: 1200 mg/m2 for one dose on days 1 and day 8 (total dose per cycle 2400 mg/m2) 11 weeks52: 1000 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1 and day 56 (total dose per cycle 2000 mg/m2) Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 11 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 High dose protocols with or without bone marrow transplant: note: ideal body weight is often used. 60 mg/kg for one dose on day -3 and day -256 (total dose 120 mg/kg over 2 days) 50 mg/kg for one dose on day -6, day -5 and day -457 (total dose 150 mg/kg over 3 days) 2700 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1 and day 258 (total dose 5400 mg/m2 over 2 days) 2500 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1 1800 mg/m2 once daily for five consecutive days starting on day -559 (total dose 7200 mg/m2 over 4 days) 1800 mg/m2 for one dose on day -6, day -5, day -4 and day -360,61 (total dose 7200 mg/m2over 4 days) 2000 mg/m2 for one dose on day 3, day 4 and day 562 (total dose 6000 mg/m2over 3 days) 1000 mg/m2for one dose on day 1 and day 263 (total dose 2000 mg/m2over 2 days) Concurrent radiation: infrequently radiation is given during treatment54,64; more often given following chemotherapy35,65-71 Dosage in myelosuppression: modify according to protocol by which patient is being treated; if no guidelines available, refer to Appendix 6 "Dosage Modification for Myelosuppression" Dosage in renal failure: Suggested dose modifications72: Creatinine clearance (mL/min) Cyclophosphamide dose >50-10 100% <10 75% Calculated creatinine clearance = N* x (140 - Age) x weight Serum Creatinine in μmol/L * For males N = 1.23; for females N = 1.04 Dosage in hepatic failure: no adjustment required Dosage in dialysis: dialyzable with a high extraction efficiency8 hemodialysis: ½ dose has been suggested72 there have been 2 case reports of giving high-dose cyclophosphamide with continuous bladder irrigation +/- mesna.73,74 Hemodialysis (duration 6 h) was performed 6 h73 and 14 h74 after cyclophosphamide infusion. Dialysis should not be started sooner then 12 h after cyclophosphamide infusion.75 chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD): no data72 continuous arteriovenous or venovenous hemofiltration (CAVH): dose for GFR 10-5072 Cyclophosphamide BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 12 of 14 Cyclophosphamide Developed: September 1994 Revised: September 2005 Children76,77: Cycle Length: Oral: daily: 50-300 mg/m2 Intravenous: 3-4 weeks76: 250-1800 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 4 3-4 weeks77: up to 2000-3000 mg/m2 for one dose on day 1 REFERENCES: 1. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada. Cyclophosphamide product monograph. Montreal, Canada; 2004. 2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Preventing occupational exposures to antineoplastic and other hazardous drugs in healthcare settings. Cincinnati, Ohio: NIOSH - Publications Dissemination; 25 Mach 2004. p. 71-83. 3. Cyclophosphamide. USP DI. Volume 1. 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