Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Generalised and persistent Anxiety not
restricted to any particular situation or circumstance
- most days for at least several weeks at a time
- present for 6 months for ICD-10 diagnosis
- community prevalence 1 yr 3%, lifetime 5%
- female > male
- inconsistent family association
- onset adolescence or early adult
- may be chronic course, worse at time of stress
- apprehension
- worries of future misfortunes
- feeling 'on edge'
- difficulty in concentrating
- motor tension increased
- restlessness
- fidgeting
- tension headaches
- trembling
- inability to relax
- increased autonomic activity
- lightheadedness
- sweating
- tachycardia
- tachypnoea
- epigastric discomfort
- dizziness
- dry mouth
Differential Diagnosis