Treatment of Cardiac Dysrhythmias |
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Treatment of Cardiac DysrhythmiasBradycardiaTachycardia
Sinus Tachycardia
Supraventricular Tachycardias
Atrial Fibrillation
DC cardiversion
Atrial Flutter
AV Nodal Tachycardia
Targets in treating SVTs
Side Effects
Calcium Channel Blockers
Side Effects
Side Effects
Target Conduction processes within myocardium: ¥
Na+-channel blockers e.g. Lignocaine (Ib) (fast-acting channels),
Quinidine-like agents (Ia), Flecainide-like agents (Ic). ¥
K+-channel blockers e.g. Amiodarone, Sotalol (both class III), Defetalide (not yet
available in UK). h
Prolongs medium acting Na+-channel opening Þ
disordered slow repolarisation Þ
slightly prolonged action potential. ¥
Highly pro-arrhythmic (prolongs QT interval). ¥
Disopyramide used clinically, negative ionotrope. L
Atropine-like side effects. h
Dissociates slowly from Na+-channels and inhibits conduction in the
His-Purkinje system Þ
prolonging QRS interval. ¥
Given orally or iv. ¥
Mainly used in prophylaxis of AF, WPW syndrome with re-entrant
tachycardias. ¥
Negative inotrope L
Predisposes to ventricular tachycardia which can degenerate into VF. L
Clinical trials show shortens life in some patients. L
Can cause heart block L
Can't be used safely in IHD: stimulating heart adrenergically breaks
through anti-arrhythmic effects and can Þ
pro-arrhythmic effect Þ
VF. Effective in patients without IHD. h
Prolongs plateau phase of cardiac action potential Þ
interval and
absolute refractory period. ¥
likelihood of an ectopic pacemaker capturing the system or of a re-entry pathway
becoming perpetuated. ¥
Effective against both ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias ¥
Takes 3 days to absorb 50% of dose, 7-10 days for first half-life and
~50days for second half life \
if there are side effects e.g. hypothalamus/hyperthyroid, liver problems,
photosensitivity, pulmonary fibrosis, they can last months (pulmonary fibrosis
may not resolve). L
Significant % of patients have reactions. L
interval \
predisposes to VT h
Prolongs plateau phase of cardiac action potential Þ
interval and
absolute refractory period ¥
likelihood of an ectopic pacemaker capturing the system or of a re-entry pathway
becoming perpetuated. ¥
Effective against both ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias L
Also a non-selective b-blocker
side effects e.g. cold, lack of energy L
interval \
predisposes to VT ã
K+-channel blockers are relatively safe and can be used as long
term therapy in patients who also have IHD and do not promote other arrhythmias. ã
Na+-channel blockers can not be used as long term therapy in
patients who have IHD and do promote arrhythmias. Ventricular ectopic beats
Abnormal QRS complexes originating irregularly from ectopic foci
in ventricles. ©
Causes include: Electrolyte disturbance, alcohol abuse &
excessive caffeine consumption. ©
Treat cause if identified ©
If the ectopics Þ
intolerable palpitations or attacks of more serious tachycardia then anti-arrhythmics
may be used. h
(even though treatment may shorten rather than prolong life) h
is an alternative (but SWORD trial showed it may worsen survival). h
iv bolus followed by infusion may be warranted in acute setting, most commonly
after MI treatment, to suppress ventricular ectopics & to try to reduce risk
of sustained VT or VF. Ventricular Tachycardia - ©
Rapid, wide QRS complexes (>0.14s) ©
Patient usually, but not always, hypotensive and poorly perfused. ©
May Þ
ventricular fibrillation. h
DC cardioversion usually. h
iv bolus of 50-100mg followed by an infusion (1-4mg/min) is an alternative if
rate <170bpm and BP is well maintained (constant monitoring in an
intensive-care unit needed) h
If tachycardia is refractory or poorly tolerated DC cardioversion
followed by lignocaine infusion is indicated. h
iv is used for patients who are refractory to lignocaine. ãTREAT
THE PATIENT NOT THE ECGã Cardiac arrhythmias, general principles: In emergencies consider: DC cardioversion (tachyarrhythmia);
Pacing (bradyarrythmia) Correct pro-arrythmogenic metabolic disturbances:
electrolytes (especially K+, Mg2+); hypoxia/acid-base; drugs. Correcting the arrhythmia does not necessarily
improve prognosis - anti-arrhythmic drugs can themselves cause arrhythmias.