Abdominal Examination
Should be able to detect
- Enlarged/tender Gall Bladder
- Hepatomegaly
- Splenomegaly
- Signs of liver disease
- Upper Abdominal Mass
- Ascites
- hands
- eyes
- mouth
- telangiectasia
- perioral pigmentation
- tongue
- breath
- lymph nodes
- cervical
- left supraclavicular fossa
- chest
- spider naevi
- purpura
- gynaecomastia
- routine
- Patient comfortably supine, one or two pillows to relax abdomen, arms
by sides
- Expose between xiphisternum and pubis
- Deep breath and cough
- Shape and symmetry of abdomen
- movement with respiration
- Scars
- Note any other abnormalities
- Tangentially look for peristalsis
- Warm hands
- Patient places arms alongside body
- Ask to report any tenderness
- Observe face for grimace
- Light Palpation
- muscle tone
- rebound tenderness
- guarding
- Deep palpation
- Liver
- edge sharp, rounded, firm, irregular, tender
- normal 1-2cm below costal margin
- Gallbladder
- Spleen
- Kidneys
- Bimanual technique
- hands in loin and just above anterior superior iliac spine
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Examine hernial
- Kinder way to elicit rebound tenderness
- Resonance to dull
- Upper and lower borders of liver
- Shifting dullness
- Fluid thrill
- Bowel sounds x3
- Bruits
- Succussion splash
For completeness