- Stomach
- mixes food and secretions to chyme
- rugae allow expansion of stomach as filled
- gastric pits are openings of gastric glands
- regions of stomach defined by types of gland present
- cardiac glands
- mucus secreting cells help to protect against acid reflux into oesophagus
- pyloric glands
- gastric glands
- produce pepsinogen, HCl, Intrinsic factor (B12 absorption), gastrin and other
- surface mucous cells secrete thick, adhesive bicarbonate rich mucus
- composed of neck and base
- neck composed of mucous neck cells, parietal cells and undifferentiated precursors
- base contains enteroendocrine cells, chief cells and more parietal cells
- parietal cells
- secrete HCl
- tubulovesicular structure
- forms canalicular system continuous with apical membrane when stimulated
- also produce intrinsic factor
- chief cells secrete pepsinogen
- enteroendocrine cells secrete gastrin and other hormones