UK Parasites
Problems of mounting immune response
- Size
- Complex life cycles
- Antigenic variation
- Intracellular habit
- Immunosuppression
- No acquired immunity abroad
- No vaccines available
Chronicity due to...
- Antigenic variation
- Indigestible material
- Intra-macrophage habitat
Interference with immune response
Before entry
- Antibody + complement lethal to 90% leishmania
- <104 = no infection
- 104-107 = localised infection
- >107 = metastatic infection
- Leishmania secrete
lipophophosphoglycan - inhibits C5-9
- Toxoplasma gondii does not activate
- Toxoplams crucii
- Accelerates C3 decay
- amastigotes resist lysis
- If organisms activate complement then they use C3 receptors to gain entry
to phagocytes
On entry
- Host defences
- lysosomal enzymes
- nitric oxide
- halides
- peroxides
- superoxides
- Avoid synchrony
- some microbicidal mechanisms take advantage of point in the cell cycle
- therefore some will survive onslaught at any given moment
- Modification of immune response
- Decrease IFN-gamma effects
- reduce expression of TNF-alpha receptors
- increase TGF-beta production
- reduce antigen presentation
- Toxoplasma actively
penetrates cells
- Trypanosomes escape from
- Leishmania can survive
acidic environment and protease of lysosomes
- Renders antibody response useless
- Must activate macrophages / cytotoxic cells
Host responses
- Hyperactivation of macrophages
- Cell mediated response
- IFN-gamma activates macrophages
- cytotoxic T-cells
- Extracellular protozoa attacked by antibody and complement
- Metazoa attacked by IgE mediated response
- TH2 / IL-4 mechanism
- Eosinophil activation
- cytotoxicity
- Granuloma may be formed in tissues
- Can burst Macrophages and surround themselves with phagosome membrane
Defence by immunosuppression
- Down regulation of HLA-DR
- Decreased macrophage activation
- Polyclonal B-cell activation
- swamps specific antibody in non-specific cloud
- prevents selection of specific antibody
- Changes in TH1/TH2 balance
- Promotion of suppressor cells
- Promotion of immunologic tolerance
Lead to chronic inflammation
Immunologic signs
- Protozoa
- leucopenia and lymphocytosis
- Metazoa
- Increased IgE and eosinophilia
- Most parasitic disease associated with polyclonal B-cell activation
- Tests
- Agglutination
- Immunofluorescence
- Complement fixation
- Skin tests
Premunition (??)
- State of acquired immunity to reinfection in face of continuing primary