Endocrinology of pituitary and hypothalamus

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Pituitary Adenoma

Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) hormones

The posterior pituitary contains a large number of unmyelinated nerve fibres originating from the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. These neurones synthesise vasopressin and oxytocin respectively, which are transported down the hypothalamo-hypophyseal nerve fibre tract to the posterior pituitary and released into the capillary bloodstream.

Anterior pituitary hormones

  • Synthesis and release of these trophic hormones is determined by direct feedback effects
  • specific hypothalamic releasing or inhibiting hormones
    • secreted by specialised hypothalamic neurones
    • these hormones enter the portal blood capillaries and are transported via portal veins to the anterior lobe, where they exert their effects.


14.2.3 Adenohypophysis

pituitary tumours: local and systemic effects

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